10 Things You Can Do To Set The Energy In Your Home
Having a home with clear energy is super important and it’s something I talk about with clients.
Our home collects energy just like it collects dust. If we don’t clean the dust, it accumulates and becomes difficult to live with. The same happens when energies collect in our home.
If you’ve never consciously set the energy in your home or it’s been a while, it might be time for a tuneup.
There are a number of ways to set the energy in your home or office. Here are a few.
1. Ground your environment. You can do this by visualizing or intending that symbols or colors that represent grounding for you (e.g., redwood trees or columns of golden light) are in each corner of the room. Then through visualization or intention, ground these symbols to the center of the earth and make the intention that your home is clean and clear of any energies that are not in alignment with you.
2. Smudge your home. Using sage is a time-honored way to clear the space. This is particularly good to do when you move locations or if there’s a big change in your life.
3. Sage spray and/or rosewater spray. Spray the space with sage spray to infuse the atmosphere of white sage. I use rosewater spray pretty much daily. I spritz myself as well the room I’m in. Rosewater spray is also great to use after you smudge your home, as it helps to set a beautiful tone energetically.
4. Light incense. Incense is an easy way to help infuse a certain energy. I tend to have several different types on hand, including white sage, lavender, sandalwood, cedarwood, and frankincense. I choose the one with the properties I’m looking to infuse the space with at the moment.
5. Clear the clutter. Donate items you don’t want any longer to a local charity of your choice. Go through old papers and shred what you don’t need. If it seems overwhelming, go through one drawer at a time. I find it amazing how clearing the clutter can drastically change how a space feels!
6. Paint the walls — literally or metaphorically. Each color has a different frequency and can shift how we feel. If you want to shift the energy in your home you can physically paint the walls in a room or visualize or intend painting the walls a certain color. For instance, if you want harmonious relationships and balance or feel disconnected from nature, green is a good color.
7. Move furniture. Moving one or more pieces of furniture in your home can make a difference energetically.
8. Use sound. Use a singing bowl, musical instrument, chimes, bells, or clap your hands. The vibration of the sound can shift the energy. Be sure to set the intention.
9. Diffuse essential oils. Essential oils such as lavender, myrrh, frankincense and sage are great ones to use. They each have different properties and energies that they infuse into the space.
10. Clean your home with intention. When you’re vacuuming, dusting or even sweeping, do it with intention. If your space is already relatively stable, this step in and of itself might be enough to keep the energy clean and clear.
Good times to clear the space include:
- After a relationship issue (e.g., argument or breakup)
- When there’s been a loss (e.g., loss of a pet or miscarriage)
- Right before you begin a new job
- After people have been in your home (e.g., after you’ve had guests stay with you, after the cleaners or handyman leaves)
- After an illness
- When you move
- When you’re not sleeping well
- When you want to bring in a new quality to your life (e.g., compassion)
- When you’re feeling energetically stuck or stagnant
Whenever you do a space clearing do it with intention. Intentions can be about letting go of anything that is holding you back as well as filling up your space with positive energy, optimal health, happiness and whatever else you want.
At the end of the process, and every day if you can, offer your home gratitude. After all, your home is energy just like you and both you and your home deserve this type of self-care and love.
When the energy in your home is clear it helps you thrive!
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