- Nature. Spending time in nature can do wonders for your health and wellbeing. It raises levels of Vitamin D, which can help maintain a healthy immune system as well as protect you from osteoporosis. Getting outside can also have profound beneficial effects on your mood and self-esteem. Exposure to sunlight can help our body’s healing potential.
- Time for you. Putting yourself first is not selfish. In fact, it’s the complete opposite. Putting yourself first is about truly loving yourself. If you put yourself first to the exclusion of everyone else, that’s another story. If you put yourself first in a loving manner, this is an act of self-love—which will only benefit everyone else around you. Bringing in greater health and wellbeing in a conscious way requires slowing down and turning inward. It involves you putting your needs ahead of others, at least some of the time.
- Perfect pictures. Maybe your ideas and thoughts around what needs to be in place before your life improves, like having a certain home or certain income, are creating blocks to your wellbeing. You might be conscious of these ideas or they might be under your awareness since we only use roughly 10% of our brain in conscious thought and the other roughly 90% is under our radar on the subconscious level.
- Being on the fence. Believe it or not, being ambivalent about something can create blocks to health and wellbeing. When you’re on the fence, your energy doesn’t know which way to go, which creates a block in your energy field.
- Past experiences. We carry a lot of energy in our bodies related to past experiences that can make it more challenging for personal growth. For instance, surgeries, car accidents, past intimate relationships (even if they’re over!) and other past experiences can leave energetic residue that create blocks to our health and wellbeing.
- Grief. In my experience, most people who feel they’ve dealt with a loss (e.g., the death of a loved one, miscarriage and pregnancy termination, loss of a pet) still have energy to clear in the fourth chakra. This is a big deal if you want to bring new opportunities into your life. If you’re grieving a prior experience on a conscious or unconscious level, you’re in the past, and it’s harder to bring in new opportunities because you’re not in present time.
- Your Beliefs. What you tell yourself plays a huge part in your health and wellbeing. If you believe that your body is weak and unhealthy, it will be harder for it to surprise you because you’re sending the energy of weakness and unhealthiness to yourself. When you send positive messages to yourself (e.g., I can heal, I choose to love my body, I am a beautiful person), this raises your energy to a level that is more in alignment with health and wellbeing.
Leave a comment below and let me know which of the above factors influence your health and wellbeing the most.