A Fast Pass to Claiming Your Power!
Claiming your power is something this New Generation of Spirit Babies wants for you. When you’re more in your power, these babies have the opportunity to grow up in an environment that will allow them to learn to be in their own power from the get-go. What a beautiful gift!
I don’t know about you, but being in my power was not something I was taught — not from my family of origin or even from all the formal schooling I had.
Claiming your power was a foreign concept to me. I lived much of my life from the victim perspective. I would blame others or myself when something didn’t work out the way I wanted or expected; I would shame myself for not doing things well enough; and I complained often. It was daily.
I didn’t realize how pervasive it was until someone pointed it out to me. Thanks to my wonderful therapist who helped to open my eyes to how I was inadvertently digging myself deeper into a hole of despair, even though I desperately wanted to climb out.
What helped me the most was to realize that I was in this cycle of blaming, shaming, and complaining and to become aware of just how often this pattern reared its ugly head. If we engage in blaming, shaming, and/or complaining, we’re giving our power away.
There is no way to be in our true authenticity while being in the energy of blaming, shaming, or complaining. Being in your true authenticity is where you claim your power.
It’s fascinating to think that we humans have about 70,000 thoughts per day. For the vast majority of us, these thoughts are often filled with the energy of complaining, blaming, or shaming (e.g., about how you look, how you feel, what the driver next to you just did, what your manager asked you to do at work, what your partner said or didn’t say).
Gossiping holds the same type of energy from my perspective. Shifting even a fraction of these less-than-positive thoughts to higher-vibration thoughts can help you to be more in your power and can even lead to a transformed life for the better!
At the beginning when I was becoming more aware of the blaming, shaming, and complaining pattern, I had no idea how ingrained it was; this habit of looking for what was wrong. Over time and with help from trusted others I was able to shift this unhealthy way of being, allowing myself the opportunity of claiming my power.
This shift did not happen overnight. It began with a choice on my end to become aware of these patterns a little more every day. It was a daily practice of catching myself slipping into the old habit and choosing to change what I was thinking and how I was talking to myself and others.
When you choose to embark on this type of journey of monitoring your thoughts and what you speak, you’ll then have the opportunity to shift your thoughts and see the concept of being in your power in action.
You will not just see this when meditating; you’ll see it when you’re in a coffee shop watching a woman complaining about her order and you’ll be able to disassociate yourself from her experience. And you’ll be able to take pride in not getting hooked into this way of thinking and speaking. This will become a daily practice with family, friends, and even strangers.
When we blame, shame, or complain, we give our power away. From my perspective, these lower-vibration ways of being are never from your Higher Self; they are from the ego. I believe that blaming, shaming, and complaining stem from feeling disempowered. To me, these behaviors are in some way a cry for help.
Claiming your power and awareness
Becoming aware of just how often I was giving my power away helped me to choose to take more responsibility for my thoughts and actions. I chose to become cognizant of when I criticized myself, others, or even things.
Where your attention is focused is where your energy flows. If you focus on what is not going “right”, then your energy is moving in that direction – AND it brings more of that to you. This is a sure-fire way to stay stuck!
I encourage you to start noticing where you may be giving your power away. I invite you to pay attention to how you respond to topics such as love, homelessness, politics, COVID, and social media, as examples. This is about building awareness.
I also encourage you to start noticing how you speak to yourself. What’s the first thing you say when you wake up? What do you say when you look at yourself in the mirror? What do you say to yourself when you feel like you may have made a mistake?
What happens when something doesn’t turn out the way you wanted or expected? Do you look outside yourself for someone or something to blame (e.g., the doctor, your partner, the weather)?
When you give yourself the opportunity to notice where you are compromising your energy by blaming, shaming, or complaining, you can shift it. Without this awareness you will stay in the same stuck lower-vibration place wondering why things don’t change even though you may do things to try and shift it.
It takes internal work to shift these patterns. There is nothing external about it. You’ve got to want to pay attention to how often you fall into this pattern. And I bet you do fall into this pattern every day.
I know I do at least a little bit. And when I catch myself these days, I smile at myself and know that there is a part of me that wants attention and I give it to her. I also say things like, “Things are always working out for me”, “This or something better still”, and “There’s always something going right.” I choose to say things that are of a higher vibration and that will get me out of the lower-vibrational ditch.
I believe there is always something going right in every single situation no matter what it is. As quantum physics continues to show us, we see what we want to see and what we see stems from our thoughts. We truly do create our reality.
If you do not absolutely love your reality, I encourage you to pay attention to if and when you fall into the blame, shame, and complain energy and to choose to shift this pattern, if you so desire. From my perspective, shifting this one pattern is a fast pass to claiming your power.