A Review of Walter Makichen’s, “Spirit Babies: How to Communicate with the Child You’re Meant to Have”
Have you ever read Walter Makichen’s book, Spirit Babies: How to Communicate with the Child You’re Meant to Have? If not, you’re in for a real treat.
If you want this book to be easy to understand from an analytical point of view, you might need to prepare yourself to be surprised. This book will take you to places that your analytical mind could find hard to fathom.
From chakras and energy fields to spirit babies and energetic birth contracts, Spirit Babies provides information to help you connect with your future child as well as learn why your child is not here yet. The book provides a variety of possible reasons for your child not being here ranging from a birth contract not being in alignment with you, your partner and your future child, to the timing not being right.
Chants and meditations are the main methods to help you align your energetic systems and call in your future child that Walter Makichen uses in Spirit Babies. These are simple techniques that if implemented, can create miracles. I know firsthand! I read Spirit Babies when I was trying to conceive my second daughter and worked with Walter Makichen when he was still alive. I was very diligent about completing the chants and meditations Walter prescribed from the book. There were a number of chants that worked with my chakra system as well as a chant to help me connect with my future child on a heart level. If it weren’t for Walter, my amazing second daughter would not be here.
I highly recommend Spirit Babies to anyone who is wondering about their future child. It’s helpful for anyone who has miscarried, is going through fertility issues, as well as those who are looking for a more conscious conception. Reading this book will expand your vision of what it means to have a child.
Leave a comment below and let me know what you think of the book — and share this post with anyone you know who wants to get pregnant. It just might be the most important book they read on their journey to parenthood.