Awakening the Divine Feminine with Color Therapy
I’m excited to share a guest blog from my friend and colleague, Constance Hart. Constance is the Founder and Developer of Conscious Colors and Color Aroma and has been featured in such places as Vogue Magazine.
Here’s some wonderful wisdom from Constance Hart about awakening the divine feminine with color therapy.
A natural ally and personal portal to your divine feminine energy may be found within your sacral chakra, also known as the second chakra, the inner energy center circulating life force energy between the front and back body, below the navel.
The sacral energy center helps to nourish the female reproductive organs, bladder, and kidneys with life force. Because it governs the water flow in your body, it is also related energetically with how you emotionally flow with life. This energy is intended to flow gently, patiently, and lovingly within you to influence how you are with yourself and others.
The divine feminine nature is one of loving kindness, gentle compassion, and patience. Softly awakening the flow of energy in your sacral chakra can assist in expanding this energy potential.
Consciously utilizing Color Energy Therapy is wise because color at its very core is energy, otherwise known as frequency or vibration. Introducing a chakra center to a color energy frequency allows for a process of “like attracts like” to occur, similar to sympathetic resonance, as in sound tuning. Really, color tuning is benefiting the body-mind-spirit in the same way, meaning when a color energy is introduced to the body it begins to vibrate with the same properties.
In basic chakra color therapy, orange is “associated” with the sacral chakra. This is not to say that the color of the sacral chakra is orange. This is a misconception that is often taught. The way that I teach chakra color theory through my Conscious Colors modality is expanded way beyond this misconception. Rather, orange is a frequency of energy that is likened to the frequency of the benefits of this chakra’s expression. (Learn more about this in the Conscious Colors online course.)
Orange is a warming ray, but not as stimulating as bright red – the most stimulating color in the visible spectrum. Orange has a benefit to the sacral chakra by providing a stimulating energy to “wake up” the flow of energy here but with a slightly softer frequency than the “rocket fuel” energy that bright red provides. Orange holds a more “upbeat and cheery” vibration, kind of like a cheerleader rather than a coach.
Initial Simple Tuning
Visualizing an orange glow in the low belly, hips, low back, and forearms while consciously expanding the breath into these areas is a wonderful start to awakening this divine inner energy center.
Divine Feminine Tuning with Gold
When calling in a connection to your divine feminine energy, I suggest a more subtle version of the orange ray for a very satisfying experience. Gold is orange and yellow colors combined, a more “muted” version of orange, which means there’s less emphasis on waking up energy resources for outward activity and more emphasis on the inward. Gold energy provides emotional centering and a frequency that can aide you in flowing with your emotions, emotional guidance, and inner fortitude.
Visualizing the color gold and breathing with golden light in the sacral chakra areas can help you develop a feminine energy that is not only flowing and flexible, but centered and sturdy. Feminine, from a more patriarchal view might mean wispy and soft, whereas in our divine feminine nature we are strong and centered as we call upon our spirit within and our spiritual guides in the beyond. (Purchase Gold Color Aroma Oil at
Also helpful is applying acupressure utilizing the acupuncture point “sea of chi” (2-4 finger widths below the navel) and the Ayurvedic marma point “nabhi” at the navel. Acupressure is simple to apply using the fingertips of your dominant hand and applying light pressure for 30 seconds to two minutes on the point. Bonus energy — lightly circle in a clockwise direction (from your perspective looking downward) and visualize gold entering the point.
Enjoy your new energy!
If you’d like more assistance in supporting your emotions and body, I invite you to schedule a Conscious Colors phone attunement and channeling so you can enjoy your life unfolding more.
By Constance Hart
©2020 Constance Hart, Conscious Colors
Constance Hart has been teaching for over 30 years and specializes in training practitioners in colors, chakras, and energy. Join her E-news and get more info at