Chakra Healing as Self-Healing: Walter Makichen’s Advice About Chakras
Chakra healing and self-healing are two main areas of focus in both my personal and professional lives. It’s difficult to heal ourselves unless we heal our chakras.
In fact the late Walter Makichen, world-renowned clairvoyant and author of Spirit Babies: How to Communicate with the Child You’re Meant to Have, said working with the chakras was paramount for my soul’s journey this lifetime.
Here’s what Walter told me about chakras:
‘Nancy, The chakra system is involved in everything you do. Don’t hide it! Make sure the chakra system is a real presence in your work. What are you actually here to do? This opens up your chakras to the work of this lifetime. Open your chakras to engage the work of this lifetime. What did you come here to do? If you can name what you came here to do, you will do it.”
Thankfully, I listened to Walter and I continue to work with my chakras on a daily basis. It’s because of Walter Makichen and following his guidance that I was able to delve more deeply into my soul’s work this lifetime, which is very much geared towards helping spirit babies and mamas with chakra alignment and more.
Chakras are information centers in our body where energy flows. Each chakra functions like a waterwheel and is like a hubcap on the auric field. If one or more of the waterwheels is moving too slow or too fast, chaos can ensue. This is why chakra healing is so important for our self-healing.
In order to heal the chakras and ourselves, it’s important to understand that each of the seven main chakras has its own purpose and is associated with particular types of energy. This information gives you an idea of which chakras may be out of balance and in need of attention.
Here’s a list of the seven main chakras and themes related to each chakra.
- First chakra themes include survival, security, safety and your connection to the earth (i.e., grounding).
- Second chakra themes include emotions, sexuality and desire.
- Third chakra themes include personal power, self-esteem and will.
- Fourth chakra themes include love, relationships and forgiveness.
- Fifth chakra themes include communication and creativity.
- Sixth chakra themes include intuition and imagination.
- Seventh chakra themes include spirituality, knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
I invite you to notice if any themes stand out for you. By doing this you get an idea of which chakras might need a dose of self-healing. For instance, do you typically have a challenging time feeling safe? If yes, you might want to spend some time healing your first chakra. Do you dread thinking about let alone having sex? If yes, you might want to give some attention to your second chakra as part of your self-healing regimen.
There are a number of ways to go about chakra healing. Here’s one that you can try.
- Sit in a quiet space and close your eyes.
- Take a few cleansing breaths, breathing in and breathing out.
- Focus your attention on your tailbone area, where your first chakra resides. Do this for at least 10 seconds. Then, in your mind’s eye, fill up this area with the color red, which is the color associated with the first chakra.
- Focus your attention roughly two inches below your bellybutton, where your second chakra resides. Do this for at least 10 seconds. Then, in your mind’s eye, fill up this area with the color orange, which is the color associated with the second chakra.
- Focus your attention on your solar plexus region, where your third chakra resides. Do this for at least 10 seconds. Then, in your mind’s eye, fill up this area with the color yellow, which is the color associated with the third chakra.
- Focus your attention on your heart area, where your fourth chakra resides. Do this for at least 10 seconds. Then, in your mind’s eye, fill up this area with the color green, which is the color associated with the fourth chakra.
- Focus your attention on your throat, where your fifth chakra resides. Do this for at least 10 seconds. Then, in your mind’s eye, fill up this area with the color blue, which is the color associated with the fifth chakra.
- Focus your attention between your eyebrows, where your sixth chakra resides. Do this for at least 10 seconds. Then, in your mind’s eye, fill up this area with the color indigo, similar to the color of a clear night sky, which is the color associated with the sixth chakra.
- Focus your attention on the top of your head, where your seventh chakra resides. Do this for at least 10 seconds. Then, in your mind’s eye, fill up this area with the color violet, which is the color associated with the seventh chakra.
Do this exercise at least once a day for optimal chakra healing. By healing your chakras you heal yourself.
Thanks to Walter Makichen for saying that whatever I ended up doing with my career chakras would be a central focus. How right Walter was!
If you’d like more assistance healing and balancing your chakras for fertility and beyond, I encourage you to check out the Energetic Fertility Method™ Program HERE.
If you’re ready for the deep commitment that the Energetic Fertility Method™ Program entails, I encourage you to schedule a complementary Fertility Impact Session to see if working together is a good fit.
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