Divine Purpose: What This New Generation of Spirit Babies Is Wanting for You, for Them & for the Planet ????
If you’re like me, you might feel stuck, scared, sad or even excited at times and not know what to do with these emotions or how to move forward. There was one day when I was feeling this mixture of emotions and I wasn’t sure what to do. So I turned to writing.
I asked my entelechy, that part of us that is our true nature, our potential this lifetime, for some guidance.
Here’s my journal entry from that time.
Dear great spiritual partner, my entelechy, my friend,
How can you help me now? I feel stuck. I feel scared. I feel excited. I feel sad.
Dear one,
You are so deeply loved.
Nothing from the past need be here now. Let go. Let yourself be free.
Let yourself fly and discover who you truly are.
You are Divine. You are Source energy. You are beautiful.
Come be with me. Come on this, our journey together. It is fun! It is true. It is meant to be.
Stuck is just in your mind, your thoughts. Be true to you and silence your mind.
Find time each day to sit in silence, to reflect, to listen, to be.
Allow the flow.
Allow yourself to be nourished and loved.
Allow yourself to be fully supported.
You are at a time of pivoting. This is an exciting time!
Follow the guidance.
Follow your bliss.
You are so deeply loved. Allow yourself to feel and know this.
Working with your entelechy is vital from my perspective.
Knowing what entelechy is and working with your entelechy is something that this new generation of spirit babies is really wanting for you, for them, and for the planet.
The more that you are tapped into and living your divine purpose, the more it helps the planet. As you bring in more and more of your entelechy, this gives your spirit baby permission to bring in their entelechy even more. It’s a win-win all around!
When you feel stuck, sad, scared or excited, I encourage you to get out your journal and write a letter to your entelechy. Ask it questions. Get to know it on a deeper level. Allow yourself to step into your authentic self more and more through a deeper relationship with your own entelechy.
To learn more about what your spirit baby desires from you and what actions you can take to help call them in, schedule a 1-hour or 2-hour spirit baby reading today!