Ever feel stuck, in pain, or like you just can’t get over something? This often points to one or more of your chakras being out of alignment.
When you feel out of balance, whether it’s physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually, it’s helpful to diagnose your main energy centers, the chakras, to see which ones might need some extra attention.
Chakras are specific centers of energy and power within each of us. These energy centers hold vital information about your body, mind and spirit. When your chakras are working optimally, you have a greater ability to heal from physical, emotional, mental or spiritual issues and you tend to mend more quickly.
Here’s a bit about the seven main chakras and how to find out which ones might need some aligning.
Diagnose Your First Chakra
Your first chakra is located at the base of your spine and is associated with the color red. I invite you to answer the following questions to diagnose a potential imbalance in your first chakra:
Do you consider yourself restless?
Do you experience constipation?
Do you tend to lack physical stamina?
Do you tend to be overweight?
Do you worry a lot about money or work?
Are you filled with thoughts of uncertainty?
Do you crave comfort foods?
Diagnose Your Second Chakra
Your second chakra is located in the lower abdomen just below the naval and is associated with the color orange. To diagnose a potential imbalance in your second chakra, answer the following:
Do you have lower-back pain?
Do you suffer from infertility or impotence?
Do you have menstrual troubles?
Do you find it challenging to find pleasure from life?
Are you addicted to sex?
Do you find it challenging to open up in relationships?
Do you tend to be over-indulgent?
Diagnose Your Third Chakra
The third chakra is located in the solar plexus area and is associated with the color yellow. To diagnose this chakra, answer the following questions:
Do you have stomach ulcers?
Do you experience a good amount of gas, nausea or other digestive issues?
Do you have asthma?
Do you tend to be pessimistic?
Do you feel powerless?
Do you like to control your world?
Do you like to keep active and busy?
Diagnose Your Fourth Chakra
Your fourth chakra is located in the heart region and is associated with the colors green and pink. To diagnose any heart chakra imbalances, ask yourself the following:
Do you have high blood pressure or other heart-related problems?
Do you have stiff joints?
Do you experience poor circulation or numbness?
Do you find it hard to give or receive love?
Do you tend to be a jealous person?
Are you deeply hurt by rejection?
Do you tend to be demanding?
Diagnose Your Fifth Chakra
Your fifth chakra is located in the throat area and is associated with the color blue. To diagnose this energy center, answer the following questions:
Do you have thyroid issues?
Do you experience frequent sore throats or laryngitis?
Do you have dental issues?
Do you find it hard to stand up for yourself?
Do you tend to talk excessively?
Do you find it challenging to express your deepest thoughts and feelings?
Do you feel that you lack creativity?
Diagnose Your Sixth Chakra
Your sixth chakra is located right above the bridge of the nose in the center of the forehead and is associated with the color indigo. To diagnose your sixth chakra, answer the following:
Do you have a hard time sleeping?
Do you experience seizures?
Do you have issues with your ocular vision?
Do you often find it hard to remember things?
Do you live in your own fantasy world?
Do you find it hard to commit to things?
Do you find it challenging to think about things from a different perspective?
Diagnose Your Seventh Chakra
Your seventh charka is located at the top of your head and is associated with the colors violet and white. To diagnose imbalances in the seventh chakra center, ask yourself the following:
Do you often feel dizzy?
Do you regularly feel confused or experience a mental fog?
Do you have nerve pain?
Do you feel like it’s hard to switch your brain off at times?
Do you suffer from depression?
Do you have a learning disorder?
Do you feel disconnected and insignificant?
Look at each chakra and see how many questions you answered with a YES. The more YES’s, the more that particular chakra could use some attention and alignment.
5 Simple Ways to Align Your Chakras
Focus On Your Breath
Intentional breathing can do wonders to help align your chakras. Focus your attention on the chakra you’re working on. When you inhale, direct your breath into that chakra. When you exhale allow the awareness to settle.
Utilize Color Therapy
Eat healthy, nutritious foods that correspond to the color of the chakra you’re interested in healing or wear clothing that’s associated with the chakra you want to work on. For example, if you’re interested in strengthening your first chakra, eat some raspberries and red kale or wear a red shirt or shoes.
Visualize, sense, feel, or intend a glowing sphere of color corresponding to the color of the chakra you’re interested in working on. Tune into that part of the body and fill it up with the glowing sphere of color. Feel any sensations and emotions you might notice there. For instance, to work on the fourth chakra visualize a glowing green sphere while you tune into your heart area. Fill up your heart area with this glowing green color. Notice any sensations and emotions that occur as you complete this. For guided chakra alignment meditations, check out my shop!
Practice Yoga
Sun salutations will help to connect with all seven of your chakras. There are also separate poses that can help you to focus on a certain chakra. For instance, child’s pose is a good one to help activate the sixth chakra and corpse pose helps to open the seventh chakra.
Say Bija Mantras
Bija mantras are “seed” sounds that activate the energy of a certain chakra when said aloud. Chant the bija mantra for the chakra(s) you’re interested in balancing or say all of the bija mantras in sequence to help balance the entire chakra system.
- First chakra – LAM
- Second chakra – VAM
- Third chakra – RAM
- Fourth chakra – YAM
- Fifth chakra – HAM
- Sixth chakra – OM
- Seventh chakra – Silence
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