Ever wonder what’s so magical and amazing about your endocrine system?
The endocrine system is instrumental in regulating mood, growth and development, metabolism, tissue function, sexual function and reproductive processes and affects just about every cell, organ and function in your body. It works by sending signals called hormones throughout the body to the target tissue to elicit a response. Each endocrine gland plays a specific role to help your body function properly. Each gland communicates with the other endocrine glands. If one gland is not working properly, this can throw off the entire system or actions of the body.
There are eight major glands in the endocrine system including the adrenals, ovaries (testes in men), pancreas, thymus, thyroid, pineal, pituitary, and hypothalamus. A brief description of each is below.
- Adrenal glands ~ help to maintain balance during stress
- Ovaries ~ produce eggs for fertilization as well as estrogen and progesterone
- Pancreas ~ regulates blood sugar
- Thymus ~ helps in the development of disease-fighting T cells
- Thyroid ~ helps in regulating the body’s metabolism and calcium balance
- Pineal ~ produces melatonin, which helps maintain your circadian rhythm as well as regulates reproductive hormones
- Pituitary ~ produces hormones that control other glands as well as various bodily functions
- Hypothalamus ~ helps to maintain homeostasis in the body
Why is an Energy Practitioner writing about the endocrine system?
The endocrine system is sensitive to energy, including your environment. Is the air you’re breathing in harmony with you? How about the type of water you’re drinking? The sounds around you? The more in harmony you are with your environment and vice versa, the more easily the endocrine system can function in a balanced manner.
This energetic dance plays out in the chakras. How does this happen, you ask? The endocrine system and chakras are directly relational. Each of the first seven glands corresponds with a particular chakra.
- Adrenals – 1st chakra (seat of survival)
- Ovaries – 2nd chakra (seat of emotions & sexuality)
- Pancreas – 3rd chakra (seat of personal power, will & self-esteem)
- Thymus – 4th chakra (seat of love & forgiveness)
- Thyroid – 5th chakra (seat of communication & creativity)
- Pineal – 6th chakra (seat of intuition & imagination)
- Pituitary – 7th chakra (seat of spiritual connection, knowledge, understanding & wisdom)
Some examples of how the endocrine system and chakras are related include the following:
- If you’re having problems with your thyroid, your 5th chakra is most likely out of balance.
- If you’re feeling a lot of stress and your adrenals are out of whack, you probably have some sort of 1st chakra survival issue.
- Sleep difficulties? You most likely have something going on with the pineal gland, which regulates melatonin and is associated with the 6th chakra.
- Coughing/hacking? 5th chakra issues.
- Blood sugar issues? Look at the 3rd chakra/pancreas connection.
The list goes on and on.
How can energy medicine help you better balance your endocrine system?
Here are a couple of ideas to get you started:
- Since the endocrine system is affected by energy, it’s a good idea to keep it grounded. Grounding this system can help with proper hormonal function as well as assist in releasing non-present time energy from the glands, allowing the glands to relax and do their job.
- From an energetic perspective loving your body is paramount for health and wellness. Sending love and appreciation to your endocrine area alters the energy to a more positive state. By acknowledging and appreciating the wonders of this part of your body, you can help to change your energy to enhance your health.
When was the last time you acknowledged your endocrine system? I invite you to spend some time with the wonders of this magical physiological system we tend to take for granted.
Leave a comment below and let me know what you plan to do to better know and celebrate your endocrine system. Enjoy!
The Comments
Francesca oh!
Nancy, loved this article. It was very helpful and insightful.:)
Francesca oh!So glad you enjoyed the article. The endocrine system continues to amaze me on a daily basis!
Nancy, this is fascinating. I am familiar with most of this information, but not in the way you weave it together. I’m inspired to learn more.
CharaGreat to hear you found value in the way the information was presented, Chara. I enjoy exploring the interplay of the endocrine and chakra systems and how this plays out in our physical bodies. So much we can learn when we tune in to the energy.