Why Connecting With Your Soul’s Path is the Secret to Connecting With Your Spirit Baby ✨
“If you knew that taking a particular road would help you get closer to your spirit baby, would you take it?
If you’re on a fertility journey, chances are you answered this question with a resounding, “”YES!””
One way to get closer to your spirit baby is by tapping into your own soul’s purpose—your entelechy.
Each one of us was born with a life purpose, a blueprint of all that we came here to be, share and pursue in this lifetime. This path of our highest potential is what the Green philosopher Aristotle called “”entelechy.””
Entelechy is the driving force that allows an acorn to grow into an oak tree and a baby to grow into an adult. It’s an energy that we all have access to – It’s a Universal Life Force following and fulfilling the sacred path that is unique to each one of us. Think of it as your own true nature.
I have found that the more we’re able to tap into our own entelechy, the more easily we’ll be able to help our spirit baby stay connected to their entelechy. Because of course, our purpose is connected to theirs and theirs to ours. This process allows both of us to move further along our soul’s journey and to do what we truly came here to do. We will be able to stay connected to our life’s purpose, and be free to pursue it.
How do I connect to my life’s purpose? Clients ask me this question all the time.
One way to begin to figure out your life’s purpose is by connecting with your entelechy as an energetic force that exists within and beyond you. Over time, you’ll be able to “”hear”” the constant messages that your entelechy is sending you in the form of insights, downloads, signs and synchronicities, and sudden realizations.
I encourage you to practice this every day.
1. Sit in a quiet location and ground yourself.
2. Intend to connect with your entelechy.
3. Slowly and with intention say: “”Entelechy, entelechy. Come to me, beautiful entelechy.””
4. Repeat this at least five times and up to several minutes.
Call the energy of your entelechy to you. Remember that what you seek is also seeking you—your entelechy is longing to be reunited with you! Invite it into your heart and your life every day. Give it the green light to come closer.
When I call in my entelechy, I see sparkly energy coming into my physical body and energetic space and I feel tingly in my body. Your experience might be similar or completely different.
As you call in your entelechy, be mindful to keep the door open for your entelechy to bring you messages. Your entelechy may drop the hint to work with a certain new practitioner or to read a particular book. It may guide you to start taking salsa dancing classes. It might even inspire you to start writing a book! It could also invite you to stop engaging with a person or activity that is blocking you from your highest path.
Your feelings of being drawn in a particular direction are the (re)awakening of your lifeline to your entelechy.
The best way to start tapping into your potential more and more is through daily practice and intention. Make it a habit to call in your entelechy each day. Your entelechy has been waiting for you to invite it in!
Believe or not, your entelechy has never left you. You may have left it, but it never left you. In the moments that you felt the most lost or disconnected, it was still right there with you. It’s constantly giving you hints, yet you may not be listening, or you may hear the hints and choose not to follow those instincts.
Since we all have free will—meaning that we get to choose what we do and how we respond each and every moment—it behooves us to invite our entelechy into our space and allow it to hang out with us. Pretty soon you may find that you sense your entelechy all the time, and you feel a greater sense of ease, flow and synchronicities in your daily life. Your entelechy will lead you exactly where you need to go, including to your spirit baby.
It is your choice to listen to your entelechy and to follow its guidance. By doing this, you’re opening the door for your spirit baby to more easily tap into and follow their entelechy, which is interconnected with yours. What a beautiful gift for you and your spirit baby.
Have fun with this!
PS: If you would like additional assistance tapping into the energy of your entelechy and your spirit baby, schedule a spirit baby reading.