Six Simple Tips to Help You Find Your Ground
At this busy time of year, it’s extra important to take some time to find your ground. Grounding is a way for you to connect your body with the energy of the earth. It’s the most beneficial energy medicine technique there is!
Here are SIX SIMPLE TIPS to help you find your ground. Try some or all of them and find the ones that resonate most with you.
- Allow your skin to touch the earth. Remove your shoes and walk barefoot on the grass or land. Sit on the ground so you can feel close to the cleansing and soothing energy of the earth. Touch the bark of a tree.
- Eat nourishing and nutritious red foods like strawberries, raspberries, red grapes, red cabbage, red kale, cherries, cranberries, tomatoes, watermelon, red apples, red pears, red potatoes, red bell peppers, radicchio, red onions, and organic red meat.
- Take in the details of your surroundings. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? Any tastes you’re aware of? Are you touching anything right now? This is a great way to come back to your body.
- Get two tennis balls and put them in a sock. Tie the end of the sock taut against the tennis balls so that the tennis balls can’t move. Put the tennis balls and sock on the floor and roll each foot over the balls. This opens up the energy centers in your feet and helps you to ground.
- Create an imaginary circle on the ground, maybe six feet in diameter. Intend to ground the circle to the center of earth. Then step into the center of the circle. This way you’re in a grounded space.
- Visualize, sense, or feel a separate grounding cord from your second chakra (roughly two inches below your belly button) into the center of the earth. This creates additional stability for your emotional body.
The benefits of grounding are amazing and include feeling calmer, having an easier time making decisions, feeling safe and secure in your body, having a healthy glow to your skin, bringing in balance and support, better sleep, and feeling less stressed. These are all great things for any day, and especially around the holidays.
Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful and grounded holiday season!
With love,
PS: If you’re wondering if you ought to ground, take a look at this list. If any of the following pertain to you, it’s probably a good idea to check in with your grounding. If you:
- Feel overwhelmed
- Forget where you put things
- Distract yourself (e.g., Internet, social media, TV, food, sex, alcohol)
- Feel unbalanced
- Like to control things
- Feel like you have to be perfect or do things perfectly
- Feel vulnerable
- Are “living” in the past or the future
- Feel uninspired or lacking in creativity
- Have a hard time sleeping
- Feel emotional