Navigating Change: Six Tips to Help You Through Times of Grief
Have you ever had to say goodbye to someone and felt the grief associated with this change? I’ve had many opportunities to do this throughout my life including earlier this year when three people — a close relative, a mentor and a colleague — all passed on within a two month timeframe.
These experiences continue to be a reminders for me to utilize the many energetic tools I have learned over the years. I feel balanced and at peace and am aware that other emotions will arise as I continue to process my grief.
Here are 6 simple tips to help you navigate grief and stay balanced while going through big changes and little ones, too!
*Ground. Remember to connect to the earth. Whatever that looks like for you. This is a fabulous way to stay balanced and in your body.
*Throw any negative thoughts or beliefs (e.g., any blame or guilt you might be experiencing) into a virtual garbage can. Create more garbage cans as needed. Keep your mind as neutral and/or positive as possible.
*Stay in present time (as much as you can). Focus on your breath. Feel your feet on the ground. Ring a bell one time and let the sound bring you back to your body.
*Create space for your emotions. Allow them to arise and process them. Write about your feelings, have a good cry or laugh, paint what you are feeling, make a collage to express your emotions. Be creative with the outlet. There’s no one right way. See what works for you.
*Honor where you’re at. If you need a few hours or a day or (you fill in the blank) to take care of yourself, go for it! Ask the little part of you, that child aspect, what she needs. Maybe it’s baking bread or taking a bath or taking a walk in nature. Listen to her and follow her guidance.
*Most of all, be patient, loving, and compassionate with yourself as you go through transitions and changes.
In the comments below, let me know what helps you stay balanced as you go through changes and process your grief.
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