What to do When Someone Violates Your Space: An Energy Medicine Perspective
There are times in our human existence when others violate our space. Maybe it’s a conscious act, such as when there is a residential burglary or car break-in. Others violate our space more subconsciously, such as when a family member or business partner tries to control our behavior and is unaware that that is their pattern.
Recently, some people violated my space. My home was broken into. This situation reminded me of a number of things that I would like to share with you.
Having your space invaded is never a fun event. It feels violating. There is a heaviness to the act. When I first realized that people unknown to me had forced their way into my home I felt the familiar butterflies in my stomach that occurs when something unknown and potentially dangerous happens in my life, and I told myself that there was something I could learn from this experience. As I focused on my breath and took in the situation, I was aware of my thoughts and reactions. I felt sad and frustrated that this happened. I was also aware that there were elements of gratitude that came into my awareness. I was grateful that none of my family members were home when this incident occurred. I was grateful that my loved ones were healthy. I was grateful that I could take charge of this situation.
There was one room in particular where the energy was very dense. As I was standing in this room feeling the heavy energy of those who had been there before, I was reminded that as I really owned my space and my stuff the heavy energy would lift. Sure enough, as I focused on owning my own space and the items in the space I felt the energy lighten. Silently in my mind I said, “This is my home. This is my bedroom. This is my kitchen…” I said it with intention and from a place of love.
I took action from the get go. From the masculine energy perspective I cleaned up the mess the burglars had made. From the feminine energy perspective I invited in forgiveness and filled my home and myself up with the energy of love. I was claiming this space as mine; I was owning it.
When we own our space we claim tenure over other energies trying to vie for our space. Owning our space is paramount to feeling empowered.
Here are four tips to help you shift the energy and own your space.
- Say silently in your mind or out loud, “This is my space!” Say it with intention and love, in such a way that you really own it.
- Forgive those who have violated your space. This does not mean that you condone their behavior! It just means that you let go of the energy that’s associated with being angry, hurt, violated, or betrayed. A wonderful way to do this that I learned from the late Walter Makichen is as follows. Say, “I am wrapped in the waters of forgiveness. My heart is embraced in love,” several times. Close your eyes and place your hands lightly on your heart if that helps. This mantra helps to bring in the energy of forgiveness.
- Sage yourself and your space. Using sage to clear the energy is a Native American tradition and is sometimes called smudging. The purpose of this practice is to clear the air of any negativity. There is a smell involved in this method. Some people like to use Palo Santo as well as certain essential oils (e.g., patchouli, frankincense, myrrh, juniper, lavender and rose) for similar purposes.
- Visualize, sense or feel yourself filling up you and your space with the energy of love. Perhaps you visualize wrapping yourself and your space up in a beautiful green, pink, gold or white color. Perhaps a certain tone or sound helps you to fill up you and your space with the energy of love. Find what works for you and go with it.
As you continue on your journey I encourage you to focus on your empowerment. If someone violates your space ask yourself, “What benefit do I get from holding on to this anger or fear?” “Is it empowering for me to hold on to this energy?” “What can I learn from this experience that will help me to grow in a positive manner?”
In the comments below, let me know which tip resonates with you the most.
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