“The Seat of the Soul” by Gary Zukav
I recently read The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav. It’s a book that I’ve known about for years and very much enjoyed reading. I found it to be eye-opening, and filled with deep wisdom and learning.
If you’re interested in deepening your understand of your journey as a soul, I encourage you to see if this book resonates with you.
Below are some quotes from the book.
- “Changing the world begins with the very personal process of changing yourself, the only place you can begin is where you are, and the only time you can begin is always now.”
- “The decisions that you make and the actions that you take upon the Earth are the means by which you evolve. At each moment you choose the intentions that will shape your experiences and those things upon which you will focus your attention. These choices affect your evolutionary process. This is so for each person.”
- “When you do not take your interactions so personally, you will be able to see that each offers you a choice—to see yourself as a victim who reacts to the circumstances of your life, or as a creator who chooses your responses to them.”
- “A power struggle collapses when you withdraw your energy from it. Power struggles become uninteresting to you when you change your intention from winning to learning about yourself.”
- “When the personality comes fully to serve the energy of its soul, that is authentic empowerment…”