Two Must-Have Tools for Enhanced Energy Hygiene
One of the best ways we can support ourselves and others is through making sure that our energy is calibrated throughout the day. We do this through what I like to call energy hygiene.
Each day we take care of our physical hygiene by brushing our teeth, washing our hands and bathing. It’s just as important to focus daily care on our energy hygiene.
Two of the most important energy hygiene practices are grounding and separating our energy from other people’s energy.
Below you’ll find a grounding exercise and audio meditation as well as an exercise to help you start separating your energy from other people.
1) Sit upright in a chair with the soles of your feet on the ground.
2) Close your eyes.
3) Take a few deep, cleansing breaths. Breathing in and breathing out.
4) Visualize, sense or feel a special area in the center of the earth that’s unique to you. (For instance, visualize an area in the center of the earth that has your name or initials on it. What does it look like? Are there certain colors, trees, or water? How does it make you feel? Skip this part if it’s not helpful for you.)
5) Visualize, sense or feel dropping a connection from your tailbone area down into this special region in the center of the earth. It’s helpful to make the connection at least as wide as your hips. It can be anything that appeals to you and helps you feel connected (e.g., redwood tree, waterfall, ship’s anchor, column of light, steel girders, mountain, colors, magnets ~ one at your tailbone and one in the center of the earth, etc.)
6) Sit and feel the connection to the earth.
Practice this daily for at least 2 minutes, and longer when possible. Set a timer if it’s helpful.
Grounding Meditation
Click here to listen to an audio version of the grounding meditation.
Other Ways To Ground
Here are a few other ways to practice grounding.
- Lie down on the grass or floor, breathe deeply and allow gravity to help you feel more grounded.
- Sit in a bathtub with water. Continue sitting in the tub while the water drains out. The pull of the water as it leaves the tub helps some people more fully experience what grounding is like.
- Using a sound or tone to set their grounding is helpful for some.
- Lean against a tree and take ten breaths and feel the tension leave your body. Even the Buddha needed a tree to help him ground!
It can be useful to find every-day reminders to help you ground. For example, every time you wash your hands remember to ground. Be creative and find what works for you.
What did this exercise bring up for you? Write down some notes about your experience with grounding. Did you sense a connection to the earth? What did it feel like? Were there any emotions that went along with this exercise? When have you felt grounded before?
My Energy, Your Energy
This is a fabulous exercise to help you start separating your energy from other people’s. Do this exercise from a grounded state for the best results.
1) Say your name (e.g., My name is _______).
2) Say the other person’s name (e.g., You are ______ [say the other person’s name]).
3) Say five unique things about you (e.g., I have my own unique handprint…).
4) Say five unique things about the other person (e.g., You have your own unique handprint…).
5) Return the other person’s energy (e.g., I give you back all of your energy).
6) Picture a golden bowl (or some other receptacle for your energy ~ whatever color resonates with you) above your head or in front of you outside your aura.
7) Call back all of your energy into the golden bowl and cleanse it before bringing it back into your energetic space. For example, you can say, “I receive all of my energy back neutralized and cleansed and in present time.” (If you left your energy somewhere, it will not be in present time and it will have some sort of energetic charge to it. Hence, cleansing it before bringing it into your energetic space.)
8) Visualize, sense or feel pouring your collected energy into the top of your energetic space and allow it to filter down.
Do this exercise daily as often as you like.
The more unique the five items are to you and the more unique the five items are to the other person, the more completely you have the opportunity to separate your energy from the other person. I do this with each client I work with every time we work together. My voice and handprint are completely unique to me, for example. Your voice and handprint are completely unique to you.
This technique can also be performed with places and things. For instance, you can do this exercise after a phone call or reading an email. Before you go to bed at night do this exercise with your phone, computer and other electronics. There are no limits to this exercise.
Write down what this practice brought up for you. To whom did you return energy? From whom did you receive your energy? How do you see this tool being helpful to you on your path towards greater health and wellbeing?
*If you experience any physical discomfort or emotional distress during this exercise, please make sure to stop what you’re doing and take care of yourself.
© 2014-2020 Nancy Mae. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use of these exercises is prohibited by federal law. No part of these exercises may be reproduced, copied, or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission in writing from Nancy Mae. Energetic Fertility Method™ is a trademark owned by Nancy Mae and may only be used with permission.