What is The Energetic Fertility Method™?
When we talk about fertility, we’re addressing an energetic system that begets life. But what would life be like without energy? Would the sun exist? How about flowers, water, and the food we eat? What about humans? If there were no energy, what would become of us?
It might feel strange to comprehend this way of thinking about your body and mind. It was completely foreign for me for many years. By the time I went to college, I was fascinated by the mind-body connection. My life was like a puzzle with pieces strewn all over the place. Working with therapists, I started putting some of the puzzle pieces together and learning why my body and mind worked the way they did; however, it always felt like something was missing for me in this approach.
It wasn’t until I learned about energy and how it affected the totality of my being that I really started seeing the pieces fall into place. It was like I had finally found the dimmer switch to a dim light bulb and turned it up, which allowed me to see more of the puzzle pieces. I was then more able to influence how I refined my thinking, my physical body, and my entire life; I put the pieces of my life together to make the whole, which is the opportunity the Energetic Fertility Method (EFM) presents to you.
After all, you would only want to give your child all of you, not just a part of you. Bringing in a child, whether it happens easily or is prolonged, is a chance for you to refine aspects of yourself, so that you can be whole. Here’s your chance.
Wherever you are in your life, you now have the chance to start loving yourself completely so that if and when you become pregnant, you can pass on this vital life skill to your child. To love ourselves is perhaps the only way we will ever become complete. The key is this: by remaining neutral in the process—letting go of the outcome of bearing a child and shifting our intention to becoming whole, we can create miracles.
What is the Energetic Fertility Method (EFM)?
First, EFM is not a miracle worker. The only channel through which such a miracle can occur is you and what I want to address is that you’re in the driver’s seat. The EFM methodology is only there to facilitate your own power. Having said that, the Energetic Fertility Method is based on the premise that everything is energy. Your physical body, your thoughts, other peoples’ bodies and ideas, the trees you see outside, the birds chirping, the cup of tea in your hands, and the computer you use. Without energy, nothing would exist. The good news is that you can harness that energy. You can direct it and EFM teaches you how to do so to bring you into wholeness.
Very often energy gets stuck, becomes stagnant or leaves an energetic residue, which can all affect fertility. Think about how a dam works. Imagine that the water is like the energy in your body and the dam is like things that cause energy to become stuck in your energy body. With a solid wall across the water blocking its flow, nothing moves. A dam must have a gate and a way of lifting what’s contributing to the block, thus allowing the energy to flow into the spillway. EFM is similar to the gate in a dam; it helps you address the stagnant energy to get it moving again. In order to bring in a baby, you want and need your energy to flow optimally—for yourself and the new life you are creating.
What causes energy to stagnate? In my practice, I’ve seen many issues that contribute to this: unresolved grief or anger regarding a past miscarriage or pregnancy termination, childhood trauma, unsettled issues with a parent or grandparent, or loss of a loved one; our own and other’s expectations, frustrations, and judgments of what the journey towards motherhood ought to look like; and fears around getting pregnant, being a parent, and the responsibilities that this entails. EFM teaches you about what types of things can end up being energetic baggage, thus creating potential blocks to pregnancy. Some of these you might be aware of while others could surprise you. Have you ever considered that what happened to you in utero could affect your ability to have your own baby? What about how you relate to your body? This can affect fertility too. Do you treat your body like a best friend, an acquaintance, or a nemesis? Have you considered that your past intimate relationships could affect your ability to have a child? When we’re intimate with others we share energy. If we don’t move this energy out of our space, it stays put and can hinder our child-making abilities.
EFM uses the chakra system as a guide, helping people work through potential energetic roadblocks to fertility. EFM walks readers through potential physical, emotional, mental and spiritual obstructions and offers tools and guidance for how to care for and clear this baggage from each chakra to help bring in a child.
The concept of harnessing energy is not new, and it’s becoming more mainstream in Western culture. The Nobel-prize scientist, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, said, “In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.” In 2007 Dr. Mehmet Oz proclaimed on The Oprah Show, “The next big frontier in medicine is energy medicine.” Currently, around 85% of the 140+ M.D. granting schools in the U.S. offer courses in alternative medicine, including energy medicine. With energy medicine being praised by Oprah, Dr. Oz, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Mona Lisa Schultz and many others, it’s time to pay attention.
The Energetic Fertility Method is a revolutionary solution to a widespread problem. The program grew from my personal struggle with infertility, my studies in Intuition Medicine® (M.I.M.), and my extensive work with Walter Makichen, renowned clairvoyant medium and author of Spirit Babies. My training in Clinical Psychology (M.A.), Cognitive Psychology (M.S.), User Experience Research, and yoga and meditation also informed the creation of EFM.
EFM is a simple and complementary approach to any reproductive plan. It’s intended to work in concert with natural and traditional methods of fertility enhancement and it’s for the consumer and practitioner alike. EFM is helpful for all people who want to grow their family and offers valuable tools and information so they can bring themselves into wholeness, for themselves and for their future child.
We all know at least one person who is trying to conceive. Share this post with those on their journey towards motherhood.
I wish someone would have told me about energy medicine earlier in my journey. What do you wish you knew on your road to motherhood? Leave a comment below to let me know.
**Blog post adapted from The Energetic Fertility Method™: Tools for a Healthy Conception and Beyond, book in progress
The Comments
Great article Nancy. Thanks for your clear and concise explanation how your energy can become stagnant and how that effects fertility. 🙂
Thanks for your comment, Francesca. It’s amazing how stuck energy affect fertility! Once you’re aware of this, it’s easier to keep your energy moving.