When You Have a High-Vibration Spirit Baby
The late Walter Makichen, an amazing spirit baby channel, helped me understand my high-vibration spirit baby and what she needed from me. We had many sessions together and I learned a tremendous amount about myself and my spirit baby through this work.
When Walter spoke of my spirit baby, he often used the term “entity.”
Walter explained that this spirit baby “had a high vibration and was an older entity. She was going to make me more reactive, especially psychically.”
My spirit baby was concerned that I would have to cope with more sensitivity than I already had. “Being pregnant with this entity would make it harder to be around other people, and I couldn’t do this alone. This was her big concern.”
It was going to be hard for this entity to be in this society. This high-vibration spirit baby was going to need a lot of reassurance that I’d be able to handle being more open. She had to trust that I would be able to handle the changes that pregnancy would bring me.
She saw society as so complex, and she got depressed when she thought about how to fit into it. There was nothing familiar to her. She was not accustomed to the idea of stores. The spirit baby at times even apologized, saying she was really trying to get used to being here. She felt guilty that she would come to me and then leave. She never had anyone invest so much in her. We both tended to be independent to a fault.
According to Walter, I was very psychic and would become even more so through the pregnancy process. Pregnancy would basically structure this in.
There had been many times in my life when I didn’t want to be so intuitive, and Walter asked me if I would be alright with heightened intuition. This took some thinking on my part, as there were times when I didn’t really want to know what was going on with other people. The main thing was that I needed to remind myself that I didn’t need to do anything about the other people. I didn’t need to solve their problems. That was for them to do.
It’s common for spirit babies to heighten our intuition. Being pregnant is one of the most psychic times in a woman’s life. If you think about it, this is a time when we have the ability to be super tapped into the spirit realm since we are in the process of building a body for our high-vibration spirit baby. If you have any concerns about being more intuitive, this is good to think about prior to having a baby. It behooves us to come to terms with the possibility of heightened psychic and intuitive abilities as a byproduct of the pregnancy process.
Walter also mentioned that my high-vibration spirit baby “had a strong healing energy.” She was a healer. Walter felt she could be attracted to acupuncture or some other type of medical work. She also had a strong artistic energy, especially in painting – which hadn’t yet come out in prior lives.
She was tired of trying to express herself within civilization as it was. She needed someone to teach her how to be at ease in these modern times and she was looking to me for this.
Walter said that I had a healing energy and when I connected with someone, I could put a tremendous amount of energy into that person. He said that I had a natural healing channel, and for this high-vibration spirit baby that made a difference and would help her to feel welcome. I would need to be always grounded and present with this spirit baby. This would help me to carry her to term.
Walter empowered me with tools to work on my fear of being more intuitive and to create stronger boundaries so I could stay more grounded and present for myself and my high-vibration spirit baby.
I’m honored to carry on Walter Makichen’s work in my own way.
To learn about your high-vibration spirit baby and what they may want from you, schedule your spirit baby reading here.